Daily Archives: May 21, 2012

Monday’s Finding: Fabulously Braided Dos

Good afternoon all! I would have posted earlier, but my kiddo and me had a fort to build. 🙂

Today’s Monday’s Finding comes once again from my Pinterest addiction. In looking for ideas for my own bridal do, I came upon quite a few fabulously braided dos. It has been a while since I’ve done a hair feature and this one has some great ones. Whether you keep your braid subtle and simple or elaborate and eye-catching, if you love braids, why not think of doing something one step outside the bridal hair box? Skip the chignon and bun thing and go straight for the extraordinary!

I present to you some braided bridal do inspiration be it keeping your braid down or incorporating it in to an updo, be sure to have your stylist do a trial run. Many stylists shy away from braiding, so be sure to seek out one who is confident and proven (ask to see a portfolio) when it comes to braiding. Best wishes!

Long Hair Braids

Braided Updos