Monthly Archives: January 2012

Tips or Trends Tuesday: Trend: Ribbon Details

Along with the DIY revolution in the wedding industry, comes great homespun easy to recreate decor. One of my favorite trends right now are ribbon details. It doesn’t take much in terms of skill to create a much of the great ribbon decor I’ve been seeing. Think of a variety of beautiful colors that correspond with your color scheme, varying widths, and long lengths that give your ribbon details depth and stray away from cookie cuter exactness. You can leave the ribbons plain, add flowers, or create striking bows. Here are a few of my favorite simple and elaborate ribbon decor ideas.

Simple Ribbon Decor

Elaborate Wedding Ribbon

Monday’s Finding: Playin Hookey…reason?

No post today as I was playing hookey. I have a really good reason though. My friend B’s goats had babies! I am a serious animal lover and couldn’t resists the call of baby goaties. So, B’s daughter (also a friend), my kiddo, and me headed up the mountain to Rollinsville to the ranch where we had a fun day feeding and snuggling the babies. The mama’s weren’t too keen on the babies, so they are being bottle fed. The cutest thing is that one of the dogs has taken to protecting and nurturing the baby goats. Such a fun day!

Friday’s Favorites: Bridal Tea in Ivory

Yay! It’s Friday! Even though I am a work at home and homeschooling mom, I meet Fridays with the same TGIF excitement as everyone else. For me it means time with my fiance, nothing but fun time with my kiddo, and sleeping in until noon. In my perfect world, the work day wouldn’t start until noon, but I digress. 🙂

Today’s Friday’s Favorites tied in to Monday’s post on tea parties. This time, it’s a bridal tea full of shabby chic goodness. Whether it’s a tea themed shower or a thank you to your bridesmaids, this Etsy treasury is a beauty!

I hope you enjoy and a happy weekend to you all!

‘Ivory Bridal Tea’ by ravengrrl

Custom Made Hand-embroidered…


Tea Party Tags – Love is Bre…


Table runner Tullle coffe t…


Muslin tea party favor bags,…


Victorian silverplate Coffee…


Chai Tea Cookies,made with V…


Vintage Ivory Linen and Lace…


Pearlescent Lustreware Tea S…


Gold Rose Antique Tea Cup Ca…


Beige Ostrich and Peacock Fe…


Large Soft Velvet rabbit An…


Alice’s Teapot – Brass …


Bridal Shower Coffee/Tea Ser…


Wedding Invitations Set, Tea…


Teapot Ring Brass Filigree T…


One Dozen Simply Elegant…


Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.

Theme Thursday: Wacky and Weird Themed Weddings

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know I love putting together themed events. In searching for pics for today’s theme, I kept running across some wacky and fabulously weird theme weddings. So, instead of an inspiration board for today, I thought I would share some of my favority wacky and weird theme weddings. Enjoy these themed guilty pleasures!

Top board: Flinstones, Wonderwoman and Superman, and Katamari
Bottom board: Zombie, Shrek, Klingon

wacky wedding themes

Wacky Theme Wedding

Wedding Wednesday: Color! Easy peasy color palettes for your big day

Back in my day (80s and 90s), the notion of a color palette for a wedding was pretty much non-existent. When someone asked you what your wedding colors were, the automatic answer always included white and one other color: green, blue, red, etc. I don’t ever remember anyone saying, “Aqua and melon” or “Sage, lilac, and silver.” Color fear ran a muck and the notion of utilizing a range of colors rarely ever crossed our minds. Thankfully in the 2000s, color permeates the wedding landscape with a multitude of brights, metallics, and barely there pastels.

So, how does one develop a color palette without an outdated cut and paste project of your favorite pics slapped on some good old fashioned notebook paper? Colour Lovers to the rescue! Colour lovers is an awesome resource for fresh new ready made color palettes for those of us who don’t know the difference between blush and bashful. However, my favorite tool on Colour Lovers has got to be PHOTOCOPA.

PHOTOCOPA allows you to upload your favorite photos and then creates a wide range of colors and shades taken from said photo. It allows you to drag and drop your faves in to a tray and makes an easy to share and print color palette. Say for instance you found a pic of a gorgeous bouquet that captures your color choices perfectly. Just go to PHOTOCOPA, upload the pic or provide the URL for the pic. PHOTOCOPA then takes all of the colors in the photo and makes them in to cute little squares in a wide range of hues. You decide which ones speak to you most and drag and drop them in to a little virtual tray. Finally, save and publish your palette and you have a great neatly done color palette to share with your florists, bridesmaid dress shops, cake designer, etc. all without a cumbersome cut and paste project taking up room in your Trapper Keeper.

Listed below are some favorite wedding related pics of mine and the color palettes I created using PHOTOCOPA. Go forth and create your color palette made all easy peasy by Color Lovers!