Daily Archives: February 20, 2012

Monday’s Finding: Springtime Party Fun For The Kiddos

On this cold and blustery Colorado morning, I’m looking forward to the beginning of Spring when the first green shoots pop their heads out of the earth to welcome life once more. I know, I’m being way too philosophical for a Monday morning, especially when I haven’t thrown some coffee down my gullet. 🙂

Today’s Monday’s Finding is for the kiddos. From planting lollipop seeds to a Springtime scavenger hunt, here are some fun party activities sure to make celebrating Spring lots of fun for your little ones.

Top row (l to r):
A new Easter tradition: Magic Jelly Beans
Baa Baa Yum Yums: Black and white sheep treats
Edible crudite: Veggie flower bouquets

Middle row (l to r):
Flower Fairies: Fairy Craft
For the birds: Nesting bag
Sweet nest: “Tweet” nest

Bottom row (l to r):
Searching for Spring: Springtime scavenger hunt
Easter Egg Heads: Breakfast and a craft all in one
Seed Starters: Recycle your paper and feed the bees

I hope you and your littlest party guests have a great time with these great Springtime activities!

Spring Fun For Kiddos