Tag Archives: wedding hair

Style Thursday: The Braid Trend: Plaits for every length

Braids…from braided bangs for those with short hair to long fishtail plaits, it’s the trend on just about every 2013 bridal trends list. I’ve got two dozen lovely ‘dos for the bride looking for a traditional updo to waterfall braids for the boho lovers out there, and since this is me…you know I’ve got some edgier looks for us alternative folk. Have some fun with your look and don’t forget to schedule that hair trial!

Long Hair- Braid

Braid Up do

Short braids

Edgy Braids

Stunner Thursday: Short Hair Bridal Styling

Today’s Stunner Thursday is focused on short hair wedding looks. So many bridal hair style features center in on long haired brides with elaborate updos, leaving short haired brides to hunt high and low for complementary styles and accessories and even prompting some to spend the time of their engagement to the day of the wedding growing out their short locks. Well, in my opinion, short haired brides shouldn’t feel shortchanged when it comes to their wedding looks. Here are a few short hair bridal looks that I hope leave my short haired readers with the confidence to create a wedding day style all their own without extensions or the “fun” of months of growing out their dos.

Short Bridal Style

Hair accessory

Hair accessory

Hair accessory

Hair accessory

Short Hair Bride 2

Stunner Thursday: Luscious Loose Locks

Updos are gorgeous and I’m totally a sucker for creative and unique ways of fancying up my own noggin. Bridal magazine editorials are full of updo ideas as are the plethora of ads. Board websites such as Pinterest (I heart Pinterest!) are full of boards chock full of great updo ideas, but what if you aren’t an updo kind of person? Well, consider wearing your locks loose and completely or at least minimally unbound on your special day. Loose locks are gorgeous and can be just as formal as an updo. Take a peek at some of these gorgeously loose ‘dos to inspire your own bridal look.

Long Loose Locks1

Hair accessory

Hair accessory

Wedding Event Hair


Wedding Event Hair

Long Locks 2

Natural Hair Weddingbee boards

Wedding Hairstyles

Wedding Event Hair

Long Locks 3

Wedding hair accessory

Bridal Long Hairstyle

Bridal Hairstyle cheap wedding flowers

Hair Comes The Bride Part 2

Hair Comes The Bride Part 2

Tips or Trends Tuesday: Whip that hair in to wedding-ready shape!

“You’re a wedding and event planner, what do you know about hair?” Well, my dear readers, my first dream in life was to be a top hair stylist. So, I did in fact go to cosmetology school and combine that with 22 years of processing my hair, I’ve also picked up a lot of tips along the way.

When it comes to wedding hair, I’m one of the “I’m growing it out” folk. Others already have long locks (jealous) and are good to go. Then, there are those who love their hair short and sassy and are keeping it that way. No matter which wedding hair camp you are in, you definitely want your hair to be at it’s best for your big day. Pre-wedding hair prep is a must to ensure your locks make wedding photo magic. Think of it like giving an artist a lovingly prepared canvas as opposed to a piece of sketch paper ripped out of a kids grocery store sketch pad.



How does one start the hair transformation? Step one: DIET. No, not starving yourself or eating gallons of cabbage soup…it’s about what you eat. Hair is essentially dead protein, so increasing your protein intake is key. Then, there is supplementation: gelatin for strength, silica for strength and repair, biotin for growth, and a full chain of amino acids.

Next, cut your hair. WHAT?!? Yep, to keep your ends healthy, you need to get your hair trimmed on a regular basis as it’s growing out. How often depends on the condition of your hair. So, see a well qualified stylist and follow his or her recommendations.

Then, talk to said stylist about hair care products specifically designed for your hair type and/or for those growing out your hair. Also, consider in-salon treatments such as keratin treatments and Nanomax (uses steam on dry hair to restore the amount of moisture in your hair to optimum levels). At-home treatments such as hair masks and leave-in conditioning treatments can do wonders for your hair as well. My fave is Morrocanoil.

Finally, be gentle with your hair. Stop brushing your hair to death and never ever brush wet hair. To do so is asking for breakage. Get yourself a wide tooth comb for taking care of wet hair. Take a break from your blow-dryer and other heat styling tools. When you plan to heat style, use a heat protector such as a spray or gel to prevent damage.

Following these tips and those of your stylist will make for a seriously great hair day on your special day!