Tips or Trends Tuesday: Tips: Wedding Dresses on a Wee Budget

If you’re like me, planning a wedding on a wee tiny budget can be a bit frustrating. You’ve scoured the magazines that feature “budget” wedding dresses only to find that their idea for a small budget and your idea of a small budget just aren’t the same. To you and me, a small budget is almost the equivalent of one of the mags idea of a budget dresses. My personal wedding budget is $3,000 and when I thumb through to find that “budget” wedding dress feature considers $1,200 – $2,000 as a budget dress, it can be discouraging and somewhat laughable.

So, what to do when you follow the 10% of budget rule for wedding attire (dress and tux combined) and that total sum for your dress is $150 or less? Honey, it’s time to hit the clearance racks of your local big box bridal shop such as David’s Bridal, think outside the box and hit Etsy, check out other online retailers like Mod Cloth, or department stores. You don’t have to give up beauty for budget. Here are some great dresses all under $150 from David’s Bridal, Etsy, and various online shops and department stores to help you on your way!

DB under 150

Etsy under 150

Department under $150

3 responses to “Tips or Trends Tuesday: Tips: Wedding Dresses on a Wee Budget

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  2. Pingback: Tips or Trends Tuesday: Tips: Wedding Dresses on a Wee Budget … | Wedding Ideas Tips

  3. Pingback: Tips or Trends Tuesday: Tips: Wedding Dresses on a Wee Budget … | Wedding Planning Tips

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